Seize The Moment

“Sometimes the course of our lives depends on what we do or don’t do in a few seconds, heartbeat, when we either seize the opportunity, or just miss it.”

Have you ever heard of the elevator speech? If you take some time to google it, you will find the below definition:

An elevator speech is a clear, brief message or “commercial” about you. It communicates who you are, what you’re looking for and how you can benefit a company or organization. It’s typically about 30 seconds, the time it takes people to ride from the top to the bottom of a building in an elevator.

I first learnt about it when I was working for my previous employer some 7 years ago. At that time I had a problem engaging with strangers or people of a much higher office ranking. Yes, I do talk a lot around my family and peers but when it comes to people I do not know, I shy away. That being said I never thought I would get an opportunity to seize the moment if stuck in an elevator with my CEO or even a potential employer.

I have no doubts when it comes to my capabilities and many that have come to know me over the years will testify to that. However, how can someone who has never worked with me understand my capabilities? Unless there is a third-party that can brag about me accurately or an opportunity avails itself for me to showcase my abilities. Why then should they take a risk on me? Especially if I was mute on the only one time we ever got to be in the same space. I would miss any opportunity to come because I did not seize that moment. And surely I can not rely on someone else to represent me as well as I would.

For me, an elevator speech is much more than just a commercial. It puts you in the driving seat and avails opportunities for growth in your career and personal life. You need to position yourself well at every given opportunity. You need to grab every opportunity you get to imprint in someone’s mind. Let your target leave an elevator remembering who you are and what you are capable of. Let them ask about you long after you have made your mark. But more importantly, let them find that you are truly capable of the things you said you can do.

I have had opportunities to showcase my talent. I have had opportunities to steal the show and talk about the brilliant things I have done. I have used these opportunities but with the wrong audience. Nothing wrong with that because it has given me a chance to build my confidence over the years. It has given me a chance to perfect my pitch and now it’s time to reveal myself. It’s time to steer the wheel in the direction I want to move and I have vowed to grab every opportunity that comes my way. I have vowed to position myself in elevators. I have vowed to use those elevators to showcase that I am not just an ordinary person. I am capable of so much more and I can prove it with actions.

Today I saw an opportunity and took it. I was in a regional workshop where someone had traveled thousands of kilometers to tell us what we already know and have tried before. Usually I would just sit and listen through with minimal contributions. But today I decided to show that there is so much more that I have to offer and I asked for a few minutes to make a presentation around the tests and outcomes I had done 3 years ago. It is from this that I was then invited to help a struggling neighboring country with a similar model I had used.

Would this have happened if I kept quiet? No. Will they remember me after this? Yes. Does this help me grow? Let’s wait and see. It’s always nice to showcase your talent and create opportunities for growth. Seize every opportunity that you get and create the moment if need be. You are only as good as what you can do and if potential is written all over you then showcase it. Every encounter is an opportunity to play your commercial!

Rehearse your speech and make that elevator opportunity count! Seize the moment!

6 thoughts on “Seize The Moment

    1. You’re a very supportive person, I’ve noticed you always have something nice to say that is a strength. I’ve learnt to overcome my shyness (almost) I hope you learn to overcome yours and by all means “caper Diem”!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I totally agree! Cho you need to get over your shyness. It’s really just about being able to say what you feel without worrying about what people will think. Shyness comes from FEAR. Fear of what others will think. Fear of embarrassment. Fear of letting yourself down. But being able to speak your mind brings freedom. So just do it. Be bold and let your mouth express what your heart feels.


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